
Predator - Hands Free

Tuned for close and long range calling, Hands Free close calling gives an incredible advantage relating to situations where it is beneficial to target the predator and call at the same time. By cupping your hand over the end of the call & raising the air pressure the long range volume is more than adequate. Includes the Moisture Guard™ Intake Screen that helps to protect against moisture build up and freezing during cold weather calling. Hands Free Predator Calls are rugged and compact with their own clean accurate sound.
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Jackrabbit creates perfect soft whimpers and loud aggressive
raspy screams.
Comes with single lanyard.
Item# 100


Cottontail is tuned for close and or long-range calling, produces high pitched squeals perfectly imitating an injured rabbit.
Comes with single lanyard.
Item# 107


Produce single note squeaks to stop the predator for a quick shot also perfectly imitates the panicked Woodpecker.
Comes with single lanyard.
Item# 108


Generates sound consistent with small panicked rodents.
Comes with single lanyard.
Item# 109


Economy Package
All four calls.
Comes with 4 call lanyard.
SAVE $20!!
Item# 112


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Hands Free Twin Reed Predator Calls
The reed system has two voice units that play at the same time, professionally tuned creating a new unnerving sound predators cannot resist.
The Twin Reed Jackrabbit call creates perfect soft whimpers and loud aggressive raspy screams.
Comes with single lanyard.
Item# 117


The Twin Reed Cottontail call is tuned for close and long-range calling produces high pitched squeals perfectly imitating an injured rabbit.
Comes with single lanyard.
Item# 118


Produce single note squeaks to stop the predator for a quick shot also perfectly imitates the panicked Woodpecker.
Comes with single lanyard.
Item# 119


Economy Package
All three calls.
Comes with 3 call lanyard.
SAVE $18!!
Item# 121
